Since coming to UL, I've been really involved with Out in UL, our school's GLBTQetc organization. It's a really awesome group - I was actually quite nervous about being out in Ireland, what with the Catholicism and all, so having an active group of lovely people holding all sorts of events around campus to join up with means a lot.
Because Out in UL is so awesome, we were nominated for three awards at last night's Clubs and Societies Ball - Best Society Event for Queerbash, an annual party/variety show held by the club; Best New or Improved Society; and Best Society Individual, for our fantastic president Niall.
"So if we win..." someone said on the bus ride over to the hotel where the ball was being held.
"When we win," Niall interrupted. "When we win all three."
Naturally, because we were all so excited and anxious, everything ran late. The dinner that was to start at 8pm SHARP, according to the ticket (and capitalized just like that) arrived sometime around 9pm, so the awards didn't start for another hour, and then we had to wait while people who we were much less interested in got awards for things. Finally, the nominees for the first award were called, the envelope was clumsily and at great length opened, and... We won! We cheered and shouted were excited. Some more awards that weren't us happened. "Even if we don't win this one, we already won something, so it's still really exciting," I thought as they read the nominees. They opened the envelope, and... us again! "There's no way we win all three," I told myself as they got to the final one, though even as I thought it I was also thinking that we'd damn well better get the last one because that would just be the coolest thing ever. And, long story short, we also got the third award, and then there was a big party and it was awesome.
This weekend is St. Patrick's Day, so I have lots of plans, with blog posts to follow! But first, I wanted to share this article...
TreeHugger has another kids these days kind of article about how us young people are all a bunch of apolitical narcissists who don't actually care about the environment and don't vote and don't trust each other and all of these things. I can't argue with his data that we don't recycle consistently, but I find his argument that college kids who don't vote are responsible for the Tea Party coming in and destroying the environment. I would instead say that the way our generation - surrounded as we are by the internet and a pretty broken economy and a whole lot of change - understand politics and activism differently than previous generations did, and that it's often kind of confusing and overwhelming and we haven't quite worked out the kinks yet, so maybe we don't always do it very well. What do you think?
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